The Dieudonné affair seen from social networks
There is no doubt that in the 21st century, the development of the internet and social networks has been revolutionising our societies; and this is true in the four corners of the globe. If in the previous century researchers spent days and months looking for information, and documents they would most of the time read secluded and siting on an uncomfortable chair in a library, while everyone else outside was either enjoying fresh air or life in society, it is interesting to notice that today’s researchers are part of both real and virtual society. The internet has become a must for anyone willing to know and understand what is happening in society. As I may have already said it in a previous article, it is, for me, an interesting parameter that gives account of moods, feelings and opinions shared by a significant part of society. In mainsteam media as well as on the net, there have been lots of talks around Dieudonné and his quenelle affair, lately. I also took time to analyse who, among my 272 Facebook friends and their friends, were expressing themselves on the issue; and what they were globally saying. I am not going to annoy or disturb the readers with series of figures and percentages, but let me just tell you what the finding is.
A victory of Mr M’Bala M’Bala
If the quenelle affair was first seen by the official mass media as
a victory for the government, it is now clear that it has, in the long run, become an incontestable victory for the creator of the quenelle gesture. Hardly had we ever seen in France such unity between people of different social backgrounds and ethnic groups. In the same way the French victory in the Football world cup in 1998 had federated a multicolour France; the Franco-Cameroonian comic has succeeded in bringing together the black, Blanc, beurre France all united to support him against what is considered an unfair dictatorial system. There is no doubt, these days, that the French republic federates no more; as a simple analysis of the debates around the Muslim headscarf affair proves it. It is from then on Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala who reincarnates the unity and solidarity of the people. Dieudonné has become the symbol of unity against an oppressing and illegitimate system that despises the people more than anything else. And, I now wonder why the word republicanism is not replaced by dieudonnism. Every single citizen should be proud to be considered as a Dieudonnist today. Even those, among my Facebook friends, who usually found me too hard core and too much an activist that they even sometimes avoided to like or comment some of my posts, have now changed their mind. They are those writing to me in support of Mr M’Bala M’Bala now; posting pictures and articles on Facebook, and even on my Facebook timeline.
What may be disappointing in the Dieudonnist Movement?
I am not saying that among those supporting Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala some are not anti-Semitic; please do not misread me. In the same way some racists and anti-Semitics supported the French black, Blanc, beurre team in the 1998 football world cup, or as it is the case with the French republique, there are some anti-Semitics who support Dieudonné; but, they represent a minority, though. And the question is: Should we go against the values of law and equal treatment just because some well-known racists do support a specific fight against injustice? Even if we know that their motivation is other, my answer is no. In other words, if the sky is blue, I am not going to say otherwise
just because some racists are making the same judgement. And it is clear that if someone unlawfully kills a racist, I prefer to remain on the side of real justice and Law.
I am now going to tackle the shameful side that this affair has revealed on social networks. I may appear here as an MC Jean Gabin of activism, but I think it is very important to speak the truth and warn against those wearing a mask; especially because I am old enough and I was among those who took part in the Conscience Noir meetings sponsored by Dieudonné and Pascal Légitimus in the 1990s. And,
I can testify that the quenelle’s creator is not a racist or an anti-Semitic, but a genuine freedom fighter. I was also there when in 2005 and 2006 he lent us for a while the Theatre de la Main d’Or for us to start organising ourselves into different organisations in order to fight against racism; many of these organisations still exist today. So I let you imagine how disappointed I am by some of the black activists I know; most of whom, because of a lack of education see activism as a means to make a career, rather than anything else. They are very often those who did not have the chance to go through mainstream education and were more likely to be found in Special Education Needs students’ classes. The lack of education and qualification associated with important racial discrimination in jobs has finally turned them into black prostitutes
sensitive of.
who falsely pretend to be fighting for the people and the discriminated against. Their posts on Facebook were neither supporting Dieudonné, nor the government. They were rather using the quenelle affair to denigrate the
comic and show themselves as the only alternative in the fight against injustice and inequality. As if beyond gathering crowds, they also wanted to be picked up for their brainlessness by some state agent movement breakers and let themselves be manipulated –as it is always the case- in exchange for some profitable promotion, status, and position.
And finally, if Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala is largely appreciated and supported on the net; apart from football player Anelka, we have not seen yet any French Black celebrity, bringing support to the one who, mocking and criticising the established order and ‘kings’, perpetrates the tradition of genuine comics. And this, tells us a lot about the absence of any real black community in France.