Migrants victims of the French police
Human Rights Watch said police in France “routinely” use excessive force against refugees, including children, in the northern town of Calais.
Read moreHuman Rights Watch said police in France “routinely” use excessive force against refugees, including children, in the northern town of Calais.
Read moreAt a time when open genocide has clearly become the only solution for racists to reduce the number of Blacks and Browns, a brother speaks. Also, message to those living under the Macron Regime in France:” Beware black world your depopulation has once again been programmed!”
Read moreEvery slave plantation has its own uncle Tom, ready to sell his peers for the sake of his masters…. many of the few Blacks and Arabs who proudly clad themselves in the outfit of the Uncle Tom, serving the interests of the Socialist Party at the stake of their own peers, will finally have to find themselves a real job…
Read moreTaking into consideration the people who, from day one, backed and supported the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, his election as the eighth president of the fifth republic also means that the shameful story of French Imperialism and exploitation of the darker people in the world and within the Hexagon is still a long live story
Read more“What goes around comes around”, once said Malcolm X
Read morethis very monetary system, inspired by the Nazi German regime of 1933-1945, is seen by many African organisations as a means for France to control the economy of its former colonies and, by the way, enrich itself at the stake of these same countries.
Read moreFar from all prognostics, Jean Luc Melenchon could be the big surprise of the 2017 presidential elections.
Read moreAnd, as history teaches us that ethnocides are always accompanied by attempts to get rid of part of the population carrying the non-accepted cultural particularities, I now ask myself about the objective of all these police officers when assassinating young French Arabs and blacks, and disguising their murders.
Read moreIn order to get to a better understanding of what is going on, and where the Hexagon as a whole is heading to, I decide to apply a very scholastic method. “Who, why, what, Where, and when” is the methodological approach that I decide to adopt in order to clear up the opacity surrounding the different attacks that have been going on, on a regular basis in France for a bit more than a couple of years now.
Read moreLet’s be clear and sincere on the issue. Most people who voted against the European Union did so mainly because of immigration. The quite well organised campaign presenting immigration in the United Kingdom as facilitated and empowered by the European Union was undoubtedly decisive in the choice most British made on the voting day.
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