Fighting against discrimination in France with fake tools
A report published in the French news paper « le 20minutes » revealed yesterday that more than 50% of French people were opposed to ethnic statistics. The research was carried out by organisation such as CSA-UEJF-SOS Racisme. According to the report, French people are more in favour of education as a tool to fight against racism, anti-Semitism and any other form of discrimination. The report also states that French people in general (85%) do think that giving the disadvantaged youth wider access to the highly selective French schools known as Grandes Ecoles is much more efficient than any other form of measure aimed at reducing the gaps caused by various forms of discrimination. Several means of communication, information and education are pointed out by the report. Thus, teachers and school materials are according to 76% of the population not adapted or working against any sincere fight against racism. The same responsibility is cast on the internet and television in general. The research which took place in the form of an opinion poll, paradoxically demonstrates that at least 71% of the people interviewed admitted to agree with at least one of the prejudices attributed to some ethnic groups….
After listening and analysing this report one would ask the meaning and objective of such an opinion poll. Wouldn’t it be much more sincere to ask first and foremost the first concerned, that is to say, those
suffering discrimination and racism? What do those discriminated against need and want to fight back what they mostly consider as institutional racism in France? For a specialist on the question of discrimination and integration as myself, I find it very surprising to listen to the opinion of a whole nation whose reputation in the matter has been soiled ever since the 2002 presidential elections. Had we asked or listened to the opinion of the white community in South Africa, for sure, apartheid would never have disappeared. It is also more than useful to remember that the Nazis in France and Germany were defeated by a minority and not by the majority.
Dr. Moustafa Traore